Thursday 26 July 2012

Cork Cycling Festival

This week, Cork is celebrating cycling. There are different themed bike rides going on around the city; and when Mike heard they were doing a community gardens cycle, he knew I'd love it. And he was right! I have to say I felt a little awkward just joining a bunch of strangers to cycle around, but my lovely friend Margaux agreed to come, so that made a world of difference. Of course it was raining... so that spoiled my plans to look like the girl above... or my grandma below:

Instead I had to be practical in an old raincoat. And I don't have a bike of my own, so I took Mike's. It's pretty cute nonetheless (the bike that is, not the coat)!

We went to two community gardens in the city- neither of which I'd ever been too. So amazing! These gardens are bursting with all kinds of flowers, vegetables, and herbs... they're hidden gems, literally secret gardens nestled amongst the buildings of the city. The first garden was in a convent. We got to collect herbs and lettuces, and I ate a few nasturtiums!

It's a California poppy, in Ireland... couldn't resist.

 Margaux being a little rabbit.

The second garden was across town, so off we went...
 (check out my biking skills- taking a photo while cycling in the middle of the road- so scary!)

 Had a cup of tea in the greenhouse-turned-cafe


Then we collected loads of vegetables for the yummiest dinner ever!



 Now I am obsessed with bikes and want my own. The Glamorous Housewife recently featured this bike, and I don't think anything could be cuter!
Cruiser Gigi 3i Bike by Electra Bicycle Company | 1 colors

Yes please!

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